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Top 6 Pomodoro Writing Sprint Videos on YouTube

Whether you're already a writing-sprint convert or the term "Pomodoro" is completely new to you, these videos are sure to up your productivity game.

The Pomodoro Technique is a work method that helps you focus on tasks by breaking them into bite-size chunks of time -- specifically 25-minute intervals with 5-minute breaks.

This technique was originally developed in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo who named it "pomodoro" (Italian for "tomato") because of the tomato-shaped timer he used for his experimentation.

Although Cirillo created this method as a student studying for exams, Pomodoro timers are now used for a variety of purposes, helping people focus on their work whether that's writing, coding, designing, or something else!

Who Should Use Pomodoro Timers?

These timers are great because they encourage you to get started -- you can do basically anything for 25 minutes! -- but they also make sure you take breaks. The five minutes off is a great time to stretch, refill your water or tea, and walk around the room. Just don't start scrolling!

I love using Pomodoro videos on YouTube to help me work, whether I'm struggling to focus or I need to remember to get up from my desk sometimes. Below are my top five favorite videos. Each of these has its own unique traits that make it a perfect resource for getting work done!

What Makes a Great Pomodoro Timer Video?

There's a few things I prefer when using these timers, and I took all these elements into account when creating this list.

1. The timer is 25/5 -- Nowadays, the Pomodoro method has been adapted to a lot of different work styles, and you can find timers that adopt a 50/10 or even 100/20 pace instead. All of the videos included here stick to the original 25/5. (Although many of the channels have other videos with differing paces.)

2. There's music, but it's not distracting -- I personally prefer to use these videos as background music, so all of my choices include, well, music. If you prefer ambient sound, there are plenty of great options for that too. (Maybe I'll even make a follow-up post about them!)

3. Clear distinction between work time and off time -- Some timers meet all other criteria, but there's not a clear break between the 25 minutes and five! When you're deep into your work, it can take more than a little beep to remind me to take a break. I prefer timers that have a distinctive alarm and usually change the sounds or music during the five-minute breaks.

4. Great graphics -- Each of these videos has unique and interesting graphics that are great for letting run on your TV or second screen while you work or read. I try to choose videos with artist-created images, not AI, but sometimes they sneak past me.

Top 6 Pomodoro Sprint Videos on YouTube

6. 90-Minute Study Session with Not-So-Chill Lofi Beats

This one is in last place on this list because it fails to meet one of the criteria -- that the music isn't distracting. That's kind of the point of this video, though.

It's designed as a study speedrun, pushing you along to your goal with upbeat, sometimes intense, music. This video still has distinct timers, great graphics, and offers just the right tempo for those last-minute project crams.

5. Write With Me in Real Time with Animal Crossing Background Music and Ambient Sounds

Write-with-me and Work-with-me videos are one of my favorite kinds of Work Sprint content. The creator stays on screen the entire time, offering you the chance the to work alongside them. These are great for anyone who benefits from body doubling.

This creator has lots of great timer options, but this one is my favorite because it the background music is from Animal Crossing!

4. 2-Hour Study with Pomodoro - Early Morning in a Forest

Study Pomodoro has a entire library of incredible Pomodoro Timer Writing Sprint videos. Honestly, you could fill a work week or more listening to vids from this one channel.

I find that the music in on this sprint is just right for getting into a work groove -- and I love that it uses music and ambient sound. The light coming through the window in the graphic is so lush, as well. (It's only downfall is that there's not a lot of variety in the music or graphics, whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you!)

3. Study with Cats Pomodoro Timer 25/5 Summer Study Session

All of the Pomodoro Cat videos are honestly so great. I particularly like this Summer Study Session, but their videos all follow the same basic format. There's always great music, the sound changes to ambient during the break (in this Summer video, it's the sound of waves), and there's a clear countdown with the timer. Best of all, the cats get into so much mischief over the course of each session! They're continually walking across the screen, playing, knocking things over, and leaving general mayhem in their wake.

The only downfall of these videos is that they're only an hour, so two sprints total, and I prefer four-sprint videos.

2. A Rainy Evening in Tokyo Calm Lofi Study with Me

In addition to the music and overall vibe of this timer, one of its greatest assets is how long it is! Coming at 3 hours, it's by far the longest video on this list -- giving you plenty of time to get your work done. And what's even more encouraging is that the creator is working alongside you every step of the way. If he can focus for three hours, maybe there's hope for the rest of us too!

There's so much to love about this video. I adore the Wes Anderson-esque style choices, the text message popups, and the real-life ambient sounds. Filmed on a rainy evening in Tokyo, you can watch and hear traffic as it goes by outside the window. It's like being transported around the world <3

1. Writing on a Dark Academia Train Bound for a Snowy Mountain

For me, this is the playlist that started it all, and it still has top billing in my go-to writing sprint videos. Abbie Emmons creates immersive experiences that evolve as you listen to to them. In this video, the mood gets darker and the view outside the window become colder and snowier as you progress.

Abbie's videos are pretty unique in that they use instrumental music, not lofi, which makes them perfect for a cozy afternoon of reading.

More to Explore

After you've tried out the Pomodoro Method for yourself, let us know what you think! Did these videos help you get through the work day, or were they another distraction?

If you find videos that you love that aren't on this list, let us know at! Maybe we'll write a retraction. ;)

And if you're ever curious about what we get up to while working along to these videos ourselves, check out our creations at


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